For the new season of the IndyCar Series on NBC, Carvana partnered with 7-time NASCAR Cup Series Champion Jimmie Johnson. NBC tasked Mr Wonderful to create a 6 second teaser and a 15 second commercial lead-in for the season.
For the commercial lead-in we featured the Carvana Car Vending Machine, which is the first fully-automated, coin-operated car vending machine in the U.S. The spot opens with a Carvana token flipping into frame and activating the vending machine. The machine comes to life and through a series of robotics, the camera moves around the interior as a vehicle is selected. But rather than selecting a regular family sedan the machine selects Jimmie Johnson’s IndyCar number 48.
In addition to the commercial lead-in, we created a 6 second teaser to introduce the viewers to the new Carvana sponsored IndyCar of Jimmie Johnson on social media.